TMJ Symptoms: What to Look Out For?

morningdovemarketing • December 21, 2022
Exceptional Sleep and TMJ

Has your jaw been bothering you? When you don't know what's causing it, jaw pain might be unbearably painful. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which functions as a hinge between your upper and lower jawbones, is frequently the cause of facial and jaw pain. When the TMJ isn't functioning properly, problems might develop. 

To move your jaw side to side and forward and backward, your temporomandibular joint is made up of a number of ligaments, muscles, discs, and bones. Your jaw will feel painful and be difficult to move when something is wrong with this joint. 


TMJ Disorder 

Temporomandibular disorders, sometimes known as TMDs, include TMJ disorders, which result in jaw pain at the joint and along the muscles that control jaw movement. 


It can be challenging to pinpoint the precise reason behind a TMJ condition. These problems can sometimes be inherited, but they can also be brought on by arthritis or jaw injuries. The clenching and grinding of teeth, or bruxism, can also be a contributing factor in jaw pain. Many persons who regularly clench or grind their teeth do not, however, go on to develop TMJ disorders. 


In most situations, the pain associated with a TMJ issue is transient. Self-managed care and nonsurgical dental procedures make a lot of patients feel better. Surgery might be required in more severe circumstances. 


Can you recognize the signs of TMJ? Do you know what TMJ feels like You will probably be able to recognize the TMJ symptoms with ease if you have ever felt the agony of temporomandibular joint disease. TMJ pain is difficult to forget. 


But let's go over the warning signs you should look out for if you haven't received a TMJ diagnosis or if you're having jaw pain that you think could be caused by your temporomandibular joint (TMJ). 



Popping and clicking 

When they open and close their mouths, many people experience clicking and popping as one of the initial TMJ symptoms. This could be a sign that your temporomandibular joint dysfunction condition is causing your jaw to be out of alignment. 


When opening your mouth wide to take a mouthful of food, you might notice this sensation the most, although a temporomandibular problem can produce clicking and pop with almost any jaw movement. 


Teeth clenching or grinding 

TMJ is frequently linked to teeth clenching and grinding. The muscles surrounding your temporomandibular joint may enlarge and ache as a result of this activity and strain. Due to a jaw joint misalignment, you can notice a change in how your teeth fit together. 



Pain from temporomandibular dysfunction can occur anywhere. The most typical TMJ discomforts include 


Facial discomfort in the area of the ears 

Jaw ache 

Eye discomfort 

An earache 


Shoulder and neck aches 


One side of your face can swell, and you might only have severe headaches on that side of your head. Earaches, hissing, buzzing, ringing, or roaring noises are some symptoms of TMJ. 


Improper jaw alignment 

Your bite may alter due to TMJ. Keep an eye out for a jaw alignment issue that seems to occur unexpectedly. The improper alignment of the upper and lower teeth, or malocclusion, as well as the sensation that your teeth don't quite fit together, are some symptoms that are associated with this condition. 


Your jaw is locked 

When talking, yawning, or chewing, many patients with TMJ experience jaw rigidity or a "locked" sensation. Chewing and/or opening and closing the mouth might occasionally feel challenging for those with TMJ. 


What to do if you have symptoms of a TMJ 

We advise you to call your dentist as soon as you notice these symptoms. They will be able to go over treatment choices, which can incorporate a combination of 

  • Muscle relaxants 
  • Jaw-muscle relaxation exercises 
  • Consuming soft food 
  • Humid heat 
  • Anti-inflammatories 
  • Physical exercise 


Other typical signs and symptoms include: 

  • Tenderness, discomfort, or swelling in the jaw joint discomfort in the shoulders and neck 
  • Headaches 
  • Toothaches 
  • Experiencing discomfort or fatigue in your facial muscles 
  • Either side of the face is swollen. 
  • Ache behind or within either ear 
  • Pain or discomfort when chewing 
  • Hearing issues 
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) (ringing in the ears) 
  • Locked jaw refers to difficulty opening or closing your mouth. 
  • When you open and close your mouth, there is a grinding or clicking sound. 



The temporomandibular joint functions as both a hinge and a sliding joint. A small shock-absorbing disk separates the sections of the bones that interact in the joint and covers them, which usually keeps movement fluid. 


TMJ issues can be excruciating if: 

  • The disk deteriorates or shifts out of alignment. 
  • Arthritis erodes the cartilage in the joint. 
  • A blow or other impact causes the joint to become injured. 


The Dangers of Ignoring TMJ Treatment 

There may be health hazards if you decide not to get treatment for your jaw pain. 


Health Conditions 

Some people with TMJ who battle with jaw clenching and teeth grinding may experience continual pain. Some patients experience insomnia as a result of this pain, or they make risky attempts to self-medicate. 


Additionally, symptoms have been shown to support depressive or anxious feelings. It can cause nutrition problems if you can't comfortably eat because of the pain, especially if you're an elderly patient. There is no need to endure any of these additional TMJ-related medical issues because there are quick and efficient dental solutions accessible. 


Nonsurgical therapy techniques can relieve TMJ pain in minor circumstances. Here are a few TMJ joint pain treatment options to help manage TMJ pain: 


  • Maintain the jaw's resting position. 
  • Adjust your posture. 
  • You may experience more jaw pain if you sit in an uncomfortable position for an extended period. 
  • Sleep well at night. 
  • Sleep on your back with your neck supported by cushions to help reduce TMJ pain. 
  • Apply a compress—hot or cold 
  • Lessen stress 
  • Exercise your jaw. 
  • Refrain from certain habits and foods. 
  • You may violently open your mouth while engaging in certain activities or consuming certain meals. 


If your jaw pain is intermittent, it might not seem like a major concern. Untreated TMJ dysfunction, however, can significantly impair basic activities including speaking, chewing, and biting. Call our TMD specialist to arrange an appointment if you suspect you are experiencing TMJ pain. Your entire quality of life can be improved, and the problem managed with prompt treatment. Our TMJ doctor Beverly ma can help you treat and manage your TMJ disorder

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