How Snoring Can Ruin Your Health and Relationships

morningdovemarketing • February 14, 2023
snoring husband

Who doesn’t enjoy crawling into bed with your spouse after a long day at work and drifting off to sleep? According to studies, sharing a bed with someone can actually result in reduced levels of stress hormones and blood pressure. If you snore, though, you might find yourself having to sleep on the coach! Loud snoring is a typical sleep apnea symptom that can interfere with a person's relationships and sleep. If you have sleep apnea you may be causing snoring partner sleep deprivation 


When a person has sleep apnea, their breathing is repeatedly interrupted while they are asleep. Each night, there may be dozens or even hundreds of these brief disruptions, which persist for at least 10 seconds. 


Each year, 20 million Americans are thought to suffer from sleep apnea. The most prevalent type, obstructive sleep apnea, is brought on when a person's neck tissue relaxes and restricts breathing. If sleep apnea is not addressed, it can lead to major health issues like high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes, and more. 


The following list of sleep apnea symptoms is common: 


  • Snoring 
  • Headaches 
  • waking up with a dry mouth 
  • waking awake gasping for air 
  • Daytime drowsiness 
  • Inability to focus at work 
  • weight increase 
  • Anxiety or depression 


Snorers often find it challenging to keep their spouses at their side or their spouse may not know how to deal with a snoring partner. 


Have you ever found yourself saying snoring is ruining my relationship! Well, you you’re not wrong. Snoring has been demonstrated to negatively impact a person's relationships, even though its impacts are frequently neglected. It may result in cognitive problems that cause resentment and shame. Intimacy on an emotional and physical level is also harmed. It might also result in marital issues. 


According to one study, a partner's hearing may be impacted by the volume of snoring. Snoring can be as loud as a motorcycle or a jackhammer at 80 dB in some cases. While traveling, this makes the partner feel ashamed and upset, and the snorer may occasionally feel personally accountable for the breakdown of the relationship. 


Your bed partner is missing sleep, which has an impact on their general health. 

One full hour. Research demonstrates that persons who share a bed with a partner who snores or has sleep apnea lose an hour of sleep each night. In addition to keeping the bed partner awake, sleep apnea prevents them from entering a deep sleep stage and enjoying a full night's rest. 


Other problems may also result from snoring. Poor sleep may have an impact on both men and women's sexual performance, according to one study. Men who don't get enough sleep are more likely to develop erectile dysfunction, while women who snore say they have trouble getting orgasmic. It might be challenging to spend a night together for couples who struggle to fall asleep. Both couples may benefit from sleeping in separate rooms, particularly if they have various sleep cycles. However, it frequently has negative effects on closeness and love. 

How do I stop how to stop someone from snoring 

Working together can help couples who are bothered by snoring resolve the problem. The partnership might become more important than ever if both partners are prepared to collaborate to learn how to overcome sleep apnea and put an end to your snoring partner sleep deprivation. 


Display Your Concern 

Showing your support and understanding while also expressing your concern for your snoring husband or wife health helps in treating the condition. As a simple "partner snoring" is a inconvenience that you want to be fixed take the time to make sure your partner understands how crucial it is to pay attention to their symptoms and get medical help for their condition it is not enough to say “snoring is ruining my relationship” snoring may also be ruining their health. A bigger possibility that your partner may ask for assistance results from your loving concern. 

Understand sleep apnea symptoms

Do some study first to learn what Sleep Apnea is, what the symptoms are, what the typical causes are, and what the available treatments are. Next, record specific instances of your partner and you have Sleep Apnea-like symptoms in a notebook. Your partner is more likely to actively listen to you if you are well-informed and have written documentation of your Sleep Apnea problems. 

How to stop someone from snoring 

Fortunately, there are methods to lessen snoring and other sleep apnea symptoms, such as: 


  • Limiting the amount of caffeine consumed 
  • Giving up smoking 
  • Exercise and healthy eating 
  • Staying away from alcohol 
  • Avoiding taking sleeping medications 


Don't be afraid to get in touch with our dental expert if you find that making these lifestyle modifications is ineffective for you. Now here are some more detailed steps you can take to help treat your partner’s sleep apnea 

lifestyle changes: 


  • Lose weight if they’re overweight. 
  • Exercise regularly. 
  • Drink alcohol moderately, if at all. Don't drink in the hours before bedtime. 
  • Quit smoking. 
  • Use a nasal decongestant or allergy medications. 
  • Don't sleep on your back. 
  • Avoid taking sedative medications such as anti-anxiety drugs or sleeping pills. 



Positive airway pressure enhances your quality of life by lowering the frequency of respiratory episodes that take place while you sleep, cutting down on daytime tiredness, and more. 


The most popular kind is known as CPAP, or continuous positive airway pressure (SEE-pap). When receiving this treatment, your upper airway airways are kept open by the continuous, steady, and slightly elevated pressure of the air you are breathing. Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea are avoided by this air pressure. 


If you or your snoring husband or wife are how to overcome sleep apnea then it’s important that you came in and speak with our sleep apnea doctor Beverly MA, there are several other treatment options available for loud snoring and we’ll teach you how to deal with a snoring partner so you both can get the rest you deserve. 

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